Krister Ungerboeck joins LeaderTHRIVE with Dr. Jason Brooks Podcast Episode 66

Emotional intelligence is key in leadership. And today's guest brings powerful experiences and principles to help us all lead well by connecting authentically. This podcast originally appeared on LeaderTHRIVE with Dr. Jason Brooks Podcast Episode 66. To listen to the full interview, visit LeaderTHRIVE with Dr. Jason Brooks.

Krister Ungerboeck, The Leadership Archaeologist, joins LeaderTHRIVE podcast with Dr. Jason Brooks to share about the Language of Leadership and the power that comes when living this every day.


Krister Ungerboeck shares with high-potential leaders a practical Language of Leadership to transform leaders’ lives, and the lives of those who follow them. The Language of Leadership was created while he learned business French and German as the leader of one of largest family  owned software companies in the world.

On stage, Krister is a keynote speaker, but when he works one on-one with CEOs and their highest potential executives, he’s more like a speech writer. Krister helps great leaders craft the words they use in high-stakes conversations, the million-dollar conversations that can make their year or their career, as well as the countless ten-thousand-dollar conversations those leaders have every day.

His upcoming book, The Language of Leadership: Words to Transform How We Lead, Live and Love, provides leaders a practical, fill-in-the-blanks approach to learning a powerful new language of leadership that helps leaders speak in a more impactful, emotionally intelligent way and maximize employee engagement, productivity and employee retention.

Connect with Krister at


The Other Side of Potential Podcast Episode 36: The Language of Leadership with Krister Ungerboeck


The Language of Leadership (Tony Robbins Business Mastery Webinar)